800 Series Fibreglass Shower Cubicles

These models are so named because they WILL PASS THROUGH A 800mm WIDE DOORWAY.

Whether you are doing a renovation, building a new bathroom or fitting out a bus or motorhome - it is very important to check that you can get the shower cubicle into the desired space.

Doorway widths and heights are important to check along with ceiling heights as you may not be able to stand the unit up once inside.

Also take care to check if the desired location is in the middle of a hallway as opposed to the end of a hallway as narrow hallways can restrict your ability to manoeuvre the unit into place.

Over the years I have sold many showers to customers who even after being warned about access still have not checked properly and have had to do major surgery to get the unit in place or have not been able to get the unit in at all.

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If you need more information about our products or services please do not hesitate to contact us.

Address: 1/15 Cessna Drive, Caboolture QLD 5410, Australia
Email: info@bmfg.com.au